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alfonso • 11 months ago

whats up suckers lmao
i did not expect the poor overworked spirit to have a punk/delinquent arc 10/10

Ian Nava H • 11 months ago

They might have been overworked, but that didn't mean they wanted to be replaced

alfonso • 11 months ago

the spirit union will be hearing about this im sure

Haha, well said!

Ex_go1 • 9 months ago

To be fair though: This anime is more wholesome than y'all could expect.

I'm all for the spirit rebellion

The spirit revolution!

alfonso • 11 months ago

i for one support the spirit union fighting for better working conditions lol

Jealousy 100.

alfonso • 11 months ago

clearly couples therapy is needed

Leo Aestron • 11 months ago

Spirit: Fuck this shit, fuck this stupid work and that stupid elf. I'M NOT PAID ENOUGH FOR IT ALL!!!


alfonso • 11 months ago

spirit union must be notofied

Judgment526 • 11 months ago

Oh god, Elda is the type to message you over every little trivial thing...

Whoever • 11 months ago

Giving smartphone to Elda was like putting out a fire with gasoline

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Never knew spirits could get jealous lol

Whoever • 11 months ago

They've gone astray!

Jealousy 100 lmao.

Ian Nava H • 11 months ago

Their "WHAT'S UP SUCKAS" neon sign made me alugh

ᗪonoᗪesu • 11 months ago

There will always be that one friend that does that, lol. xD

Grandpa Lampshade • 11 months ago

Fr that's got to be one of the most annoying things ever

Sake • 11 months ago

Elda was like the infamous Navi levels of 'hey' but instead its 'Miko, oh Miko..'
Also their relationship always makes me tear up, Elda is like a second mother to her :')

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Either it's via spirits or text message Koito still loses lol

Hey man, I'd love to hear her voice if I were her lol.

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Elda hunched back in the trench coat looking like a gremlin lol

ᗪonoᗪesu • 11 months ago

Reference they had was much creepier, lol.

Ian Nava H • 11 months ago

she looked like a hobo at first

Gerhard Grobler • 11 months ago

Agreed. it was so funny. out of her comfort zone

Whoever • 11 months ago

Miko, oh miko...

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

.....you will bring home some food, preferably tacos lol

ᗪonoᗪesu • 11 months ago

Spirit-kun turned into a Delinquent. :P

Kwarevo • 11 months ago

Gogo is so fast with elf but slow with birdie

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

They must been drinking red bull but then crashed lol

Whoever • 11 months ago

That ear waving xD

KingKrash • 11 months ago

Otaku Elf is also Sponsored by Heinz Ketchup!

Sublime Hurdle 1542 • 11 months ago

also Nintendo ?

KingKrash • 11 months ago

Was there an Explicit and uncensored Nintendo Logo or any mention of the name without it being changed? Cause many anime have referenced Nintendo and other products/companies without saying the proper name, ex: if Pepsi was called Papso or Nintendo being called Nitodo.

Usami Mizuki • 11 months ago

Yes, Don't rush becoming an adult, Elda-sama will become lonely.
atleast she can pronounce Wifi not Weefee lol.

DCMARVELfan0326 • 9 months ago

It's the first time for Elda to use a phone but she knows how to properly pronounce "Wifi" than Koito......never underestimate shut ins
All it took was a stamp of a frog tank to be comfortable using the phone lol
Elda looks amazing with the trenchcoat
Those high heels are expensive damn

Monkey D. Luna • 11 months ago

That kabedon made Koito's kokoro go dokidoki...

I really like Elda... even though she's a shut-in, demanding, whiny, and childish at times... I still adore her. A lesser character would just piss me off.

Even though she lived here for centuries, it's nice to see her reactions when she tries out new things.

Ian Nava H • 11 months ago

Elda's more timid and subdued nature (and being genuinely grateful about people helping her) kinda help keeping her childishness and whininess at a specific balance that keeps her sympathethic and easy to still like her.

Kinda like a grandma who, despite being in her 70s or 90s, ironically, NOW behaves like a child or a teenager. But once in a while, shows wisdom fitting for her age

Monkey D. Luna • 11 months ago

True dat! Elda has tons of good points. I haven't watched Umaru-chan... but I think she's someone that will piss me off.

Glinda • 11 months ago

Good episode 😂❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗
" Don't rush and become an adult" Elda want Miko to stay with her as long as she can... Well it's really hard to lose someone precious to you every time cause she lives for a long time and humans not...

Shadow Moon • 11 months ago

humans are also like this when it comes to pets, but it has to be worse in this case due to the larger timegap between elf and human lifespans as well as elves and humans actually being able to communicate more easily.

Seosamh Wray • 11 months ago

IN Elda's case, depending on when exactly she was called that's anywhere from 1608 to 1868 so she's had a lot of time to lose people. Considering that the Tokugawa she always talks about is most likely the same Ieyasu who started things by becoming Shogun after Hideyoshi's death towards the end of the Sengoku period, that's a good 400 years worth of Miko she's lost, so anywhere between 8 and 20 depending on circumstances and how long hey actually manage to live. She would've witnessed the Taisho reforms, both World Wars, the entirety of the Showa period as Japan tried to rebuild after the second one while having foreign soldiers everywhere, right up to the modern Hesei and Reiwa periods.

Shadow Moon • 11 months ago
depending on circumstances and how long hey actually manage to live.

thats another thing, even seeing the ones that lived long can be harrowing. humans in the 80+ range are in a state of slowed decay, the ones that manage to live to over a hundred are pretty much the closest we've got to human-type zombies... at that point it's just watching someone's life slowly fade away... though it won't be slow for a longer lived as perception of time makes it seem faster the older you get. a day seemed like a long time when i was a kid, now that i'm in my 30s days just blink away. even a few months don't seem like that much time anymore...

kodi_cody • 11 months ago

Elda abusing her spirits. lol
I like how alien Elda is when she's using her smartphone XD
Elda texting and waiting at the for a response at middle of the night like koito is going to respond. 😂
"You're the only one that ended up the loser here, huh?" I'm dead. 💀
16:27 that pose though. 🤣
17:31 Kabedon
Today's episode is so hilarious. 😆

Ian Nava H • 11 months ago

I was actually dreading the moment Elda's sandwich ended up putting a stain of tomato sauce in either the trenchcoat ot the Furisode
Good thing that didn't happen

Divine demon GOD Aris • 11 months ago

I need to try that sandwich

Noah Winns-Cromer • 11 months ago

The smartphone segment was leagues more entertaining than a certain isekai about a Gary Stu and his smartphone with his cookie cutter harem this season.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 11 months ago